

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Just find out my husband of 10 yrs has been cheating nonstop over the yrs,i expceted but not to the extered ,over 50 women that is the ones i saw their pictures n txtz massages I was confused,tied,angry and mad at the sametime,i wanted a gun or rat poison but i rememeberec God I started comforting the newest women,some told me that 49yrs old me told them he is not married,some said their new he is married wanted the money bec married pay well,some said they don't know he is married,i also find out his fb says single Plesae don't judge me on were was i that i dont notice all this on time,i was busy working my life away taking care of him and home just like every other hard working woman out there To cut the long story short Here are some of the whatsapp txtz,video,pictures and the ladies phone numbers All i have for this all this yrs is nothing but love but he want to destory me. What i wnt through,going through is worst then what u are reading,there was empty bank account,infections,lies lies lies upon lies,as at the time u are reading this massages I get no explanation,no confession no sinerce apology from him.